How to make a Simple Portable USB/Mobile Charger Powered by 9v battery


Hello friends, Welcome to the another Electro-Tech tutorial . In this tutorial, you will know the construction and working of a simple portable charger. This charger is portable because it uses 9v battery as power source for the Circuit. The Circuit which converts the 9v from battery to 5v to properly supply the desired voltage to the output device consists of only a Single component which here be considered as a brain of the circuit. The component which is used here is a 7805 Voltage Regulator IC and we will further know about this IC. we will also know how to use this IC in the Circuit to make this Simple Portable Charger. So friends, let's begin...

Things Needed

[Circuit Parts]

> 5V Female USB Port  -  1 piece.
> 9V Battery  -  1 piece.
> 9V Dead Battery  -  1 piece.(Used for Scavenge the 9v battery cap.)
> Some Wires.

[Miscellaneous Parts]

> Soldering Flux.
> Soldering Wire.
> Hot Glue Gun Glue Stick.


> Soldering Iron.
> Hot Glue Gun.

Circuit Diagram Working and Explanation.


The Circuit Diagram consists only a few components that is effective and takes less space, and the main problem is hereby solved that is, get messed with large number of components within a small circuit. This circuit has a less stability on voltage, but connecting the capacitors(10uf/25v) in input and output gives it a better voltage stability. But putting this whole on a battery cap may be hard after adding capacitor. So, I had removed capacitor,but if it's fine with you, Connect the capacitor for better performance. The main Component or the Heart of this Circuit is 7805 Voltage Regulator IC. This IC is designed with capability to convert a Input Range of 7.4v-30v to 5V. I had used this Property of the IC and used it here. As we know, that the Ideal Voltage for charging the USB devices, Smartphones etc. is 5V and here, we had used this IC for providing 5V to USB Devices. The IC get its power from the 9V battery, which acts as a power source for charging USB Devices. Its clear, that the battery is providing 9v to the IC and, this is within the input Voltage Range, and this causes the IC to work and giving 5v as output to USB devices and In this way, the Smartphones, USB Devices etc. gets charged with this.

Constructing the Project and testing.

Conclusion -  As this project is using a small 9v battery. So, this charger is only able to provide a juice upto only 15-25% to a regular Smartphones. The Increase in the capacity of battery will as a result also increases the capacity of this charger. 

Hope this project will give you some pleasure. If you have any Problem/Question from this project, ask me in comment box. I will soon reply you on the question/problem.
