How to make a Simple PIR Burglar Alarm | Motion Sensor
Hello friends, Welcome to the another Electronics tutorial. In this tutorial, you will know about the Construction and Working of a Simple PIR Burglar Alarm. This project can be used as a Security System for any Small area. It uses a PIR (Passive-Infrared-Sensor) to detect the Source of Infrared heat in its range and the Circuit Interprets the Input,processes it and give a buzz sound from the Buzzer as the Output for a few Seconds. Its range is about 30+ feet. It can be also used as a motion sensor, motion controlled outlet and many more. So let's begin to make this project.
Step 1 - Things Needed.
[Circuit Parts]
> PIR Sensor - 1 piece. ( / / )
> BC548 NPN Transistor - 1 piece. ( you can use any NPN Transistor ).
> 7805 Voltage Regular IC ( Optional ) - 1 piece.{ if you want to use 9v as power Supply then use this. Otherwise use a 5v power supply to provide the power to the Circuit. }
> 4700uf/25v Electrolytic Capacitor - 1 piece. ( you can use any value of Capacitor Considering the time for which you want your Buzzer to make buzz Sound. More Capacitance means More Time the buzzer buzz ).
> 100 ohm Resistor - 3 pieces.
> 5v Buzzer - 1 piece.
> Led ( Optional ) [ Red - 1 piece, White - 1 piece. ] { The LED is used only for Indication of the motion }.
> PCB ( Project Circuit Board ).
> Some Wires.
[ Miscellaneous Parts ]
> Small Switch - 1 piece.
> 9v Battery Cap - 1 piece.
> 9v Battery - 1 piece.
> Project Box - 1 piece. ( Used for Casing the Project ).
> Double Sided Tape.
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Step 2 - Tools Needed.
> Soldering Iron.
> Soldering Wire.
> Soldering Flux.
> Wire Cutter.
Step 3 - Studying the Circuit Diagram.
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Circuit Diagram |
So friends, above is the Circuit Diagram of PIR Burglar Alarm. I request you to study the Circuit Diagram and know its Working. If you have any problem to get the working of Circuit, then below is the Explanation of Working of the Circuit. So, please read it. This help you to make any enhancement in the Circuit.
Working of the Circuit :)
[ PIR Sensor]
So friends, the main Component of this project is PIR Sensor. So before knowing about the buzzer controller circuit, we had to first know about the PIR Sensor. The PIR Sensor consists of a pyroelectric sensor and a circuit which processes the input and gives high logic level at the output pin of PIR Sensor. Pyroelectric Sensor is the main component of the PIR Sensor.
[ Pyroelectric Sensor ]
Pyroelectric Sensor does not require any energy to work. It generates energy when it is exposed to any Source of heat. This means when the human or animal body comes within the range of PIR Sensor it detects movement because the human or animal body emits heat in the form of Infrared Radiation. This is the reason for the Sensor to be called Passive-Infrared Sensor. The term 'passive' means that the Sensor not need any energy for detecting purposes, it requires energy only for processing the input from the Sensor and gives output according to different situations whether a human/animal is present or not. Now, let's know about the Circuit used in PIR Sensor.
The PIR Sensor Module contains a Specially designed Cover for the Pyroelectric Sensor known as Fresnel Lens. The Fresnel Lens focuses all the Infrared heat Signals onto the Pyroelectric Sensor which helps in exact detection.
[ PIR Module ]
The module has just three pins, a Ground and a Vcc for Powering the module and an Output pin which gives high logic level when any object is detected. and the module also contains two potentiometers. one for adjusting the Sensitivity and other for adjusting the time for which the output remains at high logic level. The time delay for which the potentiometer can be adjusted is in between 0.3s-5minutes.
The module also has three more pins with a jumper between them. These pins are for Selecting the trigger modes. The first one is the "Non-Repeatable" trigger and it works as when the Output Pin is at high level,after a certain delay the output changes from high to low logic level.The other mode called "Repeatable trigger" and it works as when the output pin is at high logic level, it remains at high logic level until the object detected is within the Sensor range. Now let's Know about the working of the circuit that controls the buzzer.
[ Buzzer Controller Circuit ]
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The main component of the Circuit is the BC548 NPN Transistor. It acts a switch in this circuit for controlling the buzzer. It works as when any object is detected by PIR Sensor, it provides the high logic level from the output Pin to the Base of NPN Transistor. This triggers the transistor into "ON' State. which connects the transistor collector pin to emitter inside the transistor and in the circuit, the Collector is connected to buzzer negative and the emitter is Connected to negative of the battery. The positive wire of buzzer is already connected to positive of battery. So for the Buzzer to give a buzz sound, it requires negative voltage supply and this is fulfilled when the transistor is "ON". So, when the motion is detected within the range of PIR Sensor,the buzzer gets on and gives a buzz sound.
So friends, this is all about the explanation of working of the circuit...
Simple PIR Burglar Alarm.
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